Before diving in, join me in a D E E P breath.
Inhale 1 2 3 - HOLD 1 2 3
🌬Exhale 1 2 3 HOLD 1 2 3
How do you feel? Ready for more? Below, I have gathered 60 self care practices for you! Do the universe a favor, pick at least 1 to do every day!
BUT WAIT! ✋ Have you ever been told self care is selfish? Or, have you ever felt this way? Do you tell yourself, “I don’t have time for that”? ⏱
Well love, it is time for you to realize why you NEED to take care of yourself and how when you do, you’ll see the positive impact this has in E V E R Y aspect of your life. Don’t believe me? 🤨
Research from all over the world has proven that simply taking 10 minutes a day for yourself can lead to:
✔️ Stronger immune system
✔️ Increased positive thinking
✔️ Less susceptible to stress
✔️ Improved mental health
✔️ Increased happiness
✔️ Increase productivity + motivation
✔️ Better sleep
✔️ Improved self compassion
✔️ Improved relationships
✔️ Ability to recognize your true priorities
There are hundreds if not thousands of other ways to practice and remember, all you need is 10 minutes to make a difference in your day. 10 minutes a day. You can do that! I know you can!
60 selfcare practices:
Make a DIY Face mask
Soak your feet in some warm water, bonus if you can add epsom salts
Massage your arms, feet or any area of your body
Create a playlist of happy songs
Take a nap
Read a book
Take a walk or a stroll in nature
Try a new recipe with a new to you ingredient
Have a dance party or karaoke night for one
Wash your sheets and make your bed
Make a sanctuary space just for you
Go to bed early
Use a foam roller on your tight muscles
Grab some crayons or markers and draw a picture
Call a friend you haven't talked to in a while
Watch a hilarious movie
Drink a cup of herbal tea
Repot, rearrange and tend to your plants
Write 10 things you love about yourself
Give yourself a mani/pedi
Create a bucket list
Create a zen basket for stressful times with your fav things
Put your phone on do not disturb
Do a virtual yoga class
Marie Kondo your closet
Take a bath
Bake a cake, cookies or something delicious from scratch
Make yourself a fancy ass drink - be it a matcha or a margarita
Get in your comfiest clothes
Watch the sunrise or sunset
Walk around your house with a donation bucket and fill it up
Journal out whatever is on your mind
Write a gratitude list
Organize your junk drawer
Go outside for a hike
Rest in a hammock
Diffuse essential oils or light a candle
Gift something you already have to a friend like a book or a plant
Unfollow accounts on social media that do not serve you
Learn something new like playing an instrument or a craft
Do a puzzle
Create something, be it a vision board or a scarf
Snuggle with your loved ones, including furry ones
Call an older relative or mentor and listen to their stories
Watch a movie with someone, even virtually
Do a random act of kindness
Send a letter to someone
Write a poem
Do a guided meditation
Create a hygge space using natural elements and lights
Pencil “me time” into your calendar
Brush and floss your teeth without rushing
Repeat your favorite mantra
Give yourself the day off
Take 3 really deep + slow breaths
Say no to something that doesn't serve you
Set a boundary
Go on a picnic
We will leave you with this. Remember, an empty lantern provides no light. Self care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.